星期四, 7月 28, 2005

(4) Petrus Mini Vertical & 1990 Bordeaux Horizontal

喝過1990 Henriot香檳調整味覺,進入第二輪矇瓶品酒,喝1990 Bordeaux Horizontal。同樣地,五瓶酒都以報紙包好,編為 (5)、(6)、(7)、(8)、(9) 號。然而,由於這些酒都來自同一酒商,酒商近來賣過什麼1990的貨式,大家心中有數,也喝過許多次,很熟識其風格味道,猜酒相對容易多了。

再者,大家已把精力耗於Petrus,喝1990 Bordeaux Horizontal的投入程度明顯減低,都希望輕輕鬆鬆喝老酒。一致決定先公布酒款,但依舊矇瓶考考大家的記憶力! 酒款如下:

Cos d'Estournel、Clos Fourtet、Clinet、Leoville Las Cases、Pichon Longueville Baron

(5) 深紅色;即時湧現梅子桑子香氣,單憑香氣難以辨認是左岸或右岸,但口感卻有右岸的風味,很幼滑。15分鐘後,出現咖啡、松子香和微微的花香,Merlot香味盡現,肯定是右岸。一個半小時後,香味消失,越來越酸,像喝酸梅湯。零散的記憶當中,Clinet的香味較獨突,而持久力亦不至於此,這瓶應是Clos Fourtet吧。

(6)  磚紅色;出現焦糖、青椒、薄荷及香料香味,只有輕微的莓香,酸度稍高,口感木桶味濃,少許苦澀,earthy。其後一個多小時裡,變化也不大,想起最近喝過的1990 Leoville Las Cases,表現類同。

(7)  深紅色;很濃藍莓、香草和話梅香,但酒精明顯,口感很濃而Silky。15分鐘後出現濃郁咖啡香,一小時後咖啡和巧克力香味持續,而Palate亦越來越開放,好喝,。Cos d'Estournel 和Pichon Longueville Baron也有咖啡風味,但以前喝過的Cos沒有這麼順滑,應該是Baron吧,Baron才有喝巧克力的感覺。

(8)  深紅色;不斷湧出咖啡、巧克力、皮革的香味,也有糖漬果子的香味,口感較 (7) 緊閉,餘韻都是木桶味。一小時後,香氣持續,酒體雖雄渾,但始終沒有開放,仍然很Tight & backward。應是Cos d'Estournel。

(9)  寶紅色;很香很香很香,全是莓子、松露、麋香和紫羅蘭花香,香氣複雜而擴散,當中隱約有點燒塑膠的香味,口感甜酸度平衡,丹寧已溶化了許多,非常可口。一個多小時後,出現薄荷及礦物香,口感開始散渙,正走下坡!不用猜了,是Clinet。


(5) = 1990 Clos Fourtet Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru (classe B)
(6) = 1990 Chateau Leoville Las Cases Saint Julien
(7) = 1990 Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron Pauillac
(8) = 1990 Chateau Cos d'Estournel Saint Estephe
(9) = 1990 Chateau Clinet Pomerol


1. 大部分參加者都猜對所有酒款,最易猜的是Las Cases,喝過四,五次1990 Las Cases,每次表現都不同,而且大多時候獲得的評價都不高,Bottle Variation很嚴重。

2. 小弟鍾愛右岸那兩瓶,特別是Clinet的獨特花香。但論整體表現,最便宜的Clos Fourtet最得我心。友人鍾愛結構緊密和雄渾的Bordeaux,則選擇Baron或Cos。

3. 幸好有1990 Bordeaux Horizontal壓陣,如果按原定計劃在第二輪品酒喝Leoville Las Cases Vertcial 85、89、90、95、96,相信大家的興緻會直插谷底,始終都是喝陳年佳釀最過癮,最舒泰。

星期三, 7月 27, 2005

(3) Petrus Mini Vertical & 1990 Bordeaux Horizontal

進入正題。第一輪品酒,矇瓶喝三瓶Petrus,包括2001、1999、1997,以及一瓶身份不明的右岸酒。四瓶酒編為 (1)、(2)、(3)、(4) 號,參加者中,只有主持人和一位酒友知道海盜酒的身份,但這兩位人兄和我們一樣,不知道各號碼屬誰,猜酒遊戲也算公平。

(1) 紫紅色;紅莓、Bubble Gum 和木桶的香味,酒精嗆鼻,酸度高,口感像廉價 AOC酒。15分鐘後,酒精味散去,香氣豐富了許多,咖啡,巧克力和玉桂香氣分陳,口感很滑,餘韻盡是木桶味,但不算澀。其後酒體越來越厚,複雜度不斷提升,一個小時裡有很大變化,整體不俗。是 1999 Petrus 嗎?

(2) 紫紅色;鮮果香氣傾盤而出,藍莓、果醬、洋李等香氣非常吸引,很 Fruity,反而木桶系香氣並不明顯,口感順滑。15分鐘後,快樂的時光逝去,鮮果香消失了,玉桂木桶香取而代之,酒體變得雄渾,香味消減得很快,越來越緊閉,餘韻苦澀。自此,大門沒有重開,只剩下丁點辛香。是 2001 Petrus 嗎?

(3) 磚紅色;草本、菰菌、皮革等陳年酒的香味非常明顯,還有我最討厭的生鐵味,只有丁點莓子香,老得不尋常,口感單薄,簡單,餘韻很短。15分鐘後,出現青椒、薄荷香味,急速走下坡,整體不協調。酒皇不會如此不濟吧,即使是 1997,也不應如此。大概是海盜酒。

(4) 寶紅色,較 (3) 深色一點,也是一貫陳年酒的香味,類似 (3) 的香氣,只是酒精嗆鼻一點,口感尚算圓潤可口,餘韻木味不過份。15分鐘後,出現Expresso、巧克力香氣,還有約隱約現的藍莓香,甜酸度平衡,整體表現不俗。應該是1997 Petrus。

(1) = 2001 Chateau Petrus Pomerol
(2) = 1999 Chateau Petrus Pomerol
(3) = 1997 Chateau Petrus Pomerol
(4) = 1998 Chateau La Grave A Pomerol Pomerol


1. 「希望越大,失望越大」,幸好參加者都見慣世面,過往從品酒會帶回來的多是失落,經驗一點一滴積累,今天大家對這些價高知名的酒款已沒有什麼幻想,喝過便算。

2. 我在猶疑 (1) 是 99 抑或 2001 時,酒友Sir Ma斬釘截鐵說是 2001,然後娓娓道出原委,談 2001 風格時的口吻,極像專家,很屌,事實證明他是對的。不過,雖然大多數參加者都猜到 2001 & 1999 Petrus,但始終沒有人能夠猜對全部酒款,都拜表現不濟的 1997 Petrus 所賜,而小弟則全軍覆沒,一瓶也猜不對。

3. 最驚喜是 1998 La Grave A Pomerol 勝過 1997 Chateau Petrus ,而價錢又不到 Petrus 的十分一。

4. 要我選較好喝的,則是 1999 Petrus 的初段,黑莓和洋李等鮮果香極迷人,可惜後段的香味消失得無影無蹤,口感也變得緊閉。

商台節目《在晴朗的一天出發》 ~ 是日精句



星期二, 7月 26, 2005

(2) Petrus Mini Vertical & 1990 Bordeaux Horizontal

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天時暑熱,最好來杯白酒解渴,也為我們的味覺開開路。打頭陣的兩瓶白酒來自Burgundy 及 Bordeaux,風格異迴。中場小休時喝的 1990 Henriot 則是很超值的香檳。筆記如下:

2002 Domaine Vincent Girardin Chassagne Montrachet La Romanee
淡黃色,亮麗;帶著很濃烈的堅果奶油等木桶香氣,及後出現礦物、香蕉油和?梨香氣,口感是 medium-bodied,酸度稍低,結構緊密,十五分鐘後,木桶香味收歛多了,水果香突出,可是餘韻總是帶點苦澀。整體表現不俗,並非香氣爆發型,而是走精緻路線的 Burgundy Blanc。

1997 Chateau Haut Brion Blanc Graves
金黃色,肉眼看得到的成熟;顯現很濃的汽油味,是 Riesling 嗎?幾分鐘後,汽油味開始散去,出現蜜糖、椰絲、芒果香氣。口感很 full 而 Bone-dry、酸度稍高,餘韻悠長。一小時後,蜜糖香氣持續,但酸度開始降低,口感變甜。晚宴後段,酸度消失得無形無蹤,感覺像喝水準一般的 Sauterne。

1990 Henriot Brut Millesime

氣泡綿密,帶著蘋果和輕微烤土司的香味,甜酸度平衡,餘韻清爽。HK$600 的高質陳年香檳,很划算。

1. 過往只喝過兩個年份的 Haut Brion Blanc,分別是 1992 和 2000,92 那瓶的condition 有問題,而 2000 則非常清淡,不好喝。然而,今次喝到 1997,才體會到 Haut Brion Blanc 的驚人持久力和獨特性,感覺和以前喝過的 Laville Haut Brion 差不多,都很捧。

2. Chassagne Montrachet Blanc 真的不是 everyone’s cup of tea,其結構緊密,但香氣較其他知名Burgundy酒區內歛,席上有些朋友始終對 Puligny Montrachet 情有獨鍾,嫌 Chassagne 太清淡。

(1) Petrus Mini Vertical & 1990 Bordeaux Horizontal

很久沒有認真的品酒,拿起筆桿邊喝邊寫的,更少之有少,即使上次喝Leroy和96 四大時,我們也沒有用矇瓶方式進行,也沒有預備足夠酒杯擺杯陣比拼。今次喝Petrus和1990 Horizontal的認真桯度乃近年罕見,主持人做足準備功夫,畢竟我們甚少機會親近這等昂貴的葡萄酒。坐上客除了相熟酒友,更有品酒閱歷豐富,得高望重的專科醫師麥先生。

為方便閱讀,我把是次聚會的個人筆記分為五個章節,分別談及(一)開酒時序和酒款、(二)喝到的白酒/香檳、(三)Petrus Mini Vertical、(四)1990 Bordeaux Horizontal,以及(五)當日的趣事。首先寫寫程序和附註:


4:00 pm ~ 3瓶Petrus開瓶,只有2001年份做過換瓶,並即時傾回酒瓶
6:15 pm ~ 5瓶1990 Bordeaux開瓶
7:45 pm ~ 開始晚宴,先喝兩瓶白酒
8:15 pm ~ 第一輪品酒 Petrus Mini Vertical + 1瓶海盜酒
9:30 pm ~ 喝香檳調整味道,並進行Petrus 酒標拍賣
9:45 pm ~ 第二輪品酒 1990 Bordeaux Horizontal
11:00 pm ~ 進行1990 Bordeaux 酒標拍賣
11:30 pm ~ 晚宴完結


1. 所有酒款均以報紙包裝妥當,全部更換酒塞,令人無法辨認
2. 除了三瓶Petrus和香檳/白酒外,不知道那五瓶1990 Bordeaux和海盜酒是什麼酒莊
3. 紅酒杯都是相同Bordeaux款式,而且有足夠數量擺好杯陣
4. 每杯酒約為75ml


2002 Domaine Vincent Girardin Chassagne Montrachet La Romanee
1997 Chateau Haut Brion Blanc Graves

First Flight
2001 Chateau Petrus Pomerol
1999 Chateau Petrus Pomerol
1997 Chateau Petrus Pomerol
1998 Chateau La Grave A Pomerol Pomerol

1996 Henriot Brut Vintage

Second Flight
1990 Clos Fourtet Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru (classe B)
1990 Chateau Leoville Las Cases Saint Julien
1990 Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron Pauillac
1990 Chateau Cos d'Estournel Saint Estephe
1990 Chateau Clinet Pomerol


是人妖的 make up,
人妖的輪廓 ,

星期一, 7月 25, 2005


看罷 Robots, 傍晚走到銅鑼灣日本料理店 ~ Doraya, 主打鮪魚定食, 就是蔥花碎鮪魚腩飯, Chu Toro魚片, 火炙鮪魚扒等等, 價錢由 HK$68 ~ 150 不等, 一家容納不到二十人的小店吸引很多食客光顧, 每晚七時後必定人龍長排.

昨天和老婆六時半來到, 還要在門外等候10分鐘才被安排入座, 兩周前吃過油脂豐富的碎魚腩飯, 今次就試新的, 火炙鮪魚扒飯和韓風泡菜鮪魚飯各來一客, 魚扒豐腴, 美中不足是帶著難嚼的魚筋, 至於韓風那款, 泡菜辣味遮蓋了魚鮮, 食味一般.

雖然整體質素有點下滑, 但仍屬中上等級, 畢竟這類價錢實惠的小店, 巿面不多, 而且小店延長營業時間,下次喝過半醉, 也可在凌晨四時前來碗熱飯解酒!



天生我材必有用, 老套!

出城遇到一群講義氣的豬朋狗友, 夠老套!

正義 vs 邪惡的故事, 相當老套!

一個半小時裡, 甚少冷場,
Michael Jackson, Britney Spears,


2004 Nepenthe Vineyards Tryst Red Adelaide Hills

Watsons Wine Cellar HK$85

Cabernet Sauvignon 73%, Tempranillo 17%, Zinfandel 10%。
很特別的Blending, 就是法西美的結合。
顏色猶如墨汁, 烤果仁和cherry糖果的香味,
口感大多是木桶的味道, 也有點點辛辣,
直到餘韻才顯現酸度, 不是我喜歡的風格。

Official Information:
Nepenthe: described by Homer in The Odyssey as an Egyptian herbal drink so powerful that it eases grief and banishes sorrow from the mind. In 1994, the Tweddell family purchased a premium property in the sub-region of Lenswood in the Adelaide Hills. Proven varieties such as Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc were planted, as well as interesting varieties such as Zinfandel and Pinot Gris. Peter Leske (formerly with the Australian Wine Research Institute) was appointed Chief Winemaker.

In the backdrop of the cool heights of the Adelaide Hills, we started producing some soul reposing potions of our own: uncompromising wines of outstanding quality and internationally recognised distinction. Wines that, strangely enough, have been impressing both critics and consumers with their varietal faithfulness and subtle Adelaide Hills nuances.

In 1997 Nepenthe acquired a property in Charleston within the Adelaide Hills and has planted a further 43 hectares of vineyard. Then in 2002 a 25 hectare vineyard was acquired in Balhannah (where our cellar door is located), and in 2005 Nepenthe acquired its latest vineyard, 38 hectares in Hahndorf, with room for further expansion.

Nepenthe also sources fruit from a variety of vineyards throughout the hills. Most fruit Nepenthe receives is managed by Nepenthe Viticulture, part of the Nepenthe Group. This company ensures that Nepenthe only receives the highest quality fruit, ensuring strict control of the grapes that make our award winning wines.


1997 Bodegas Lagunilla Gran Reserva Rioja

惠康超巿 HK$129

Tempranillo 80% Garnacha 20%
Rioja對木桶陳年時間有嚴格限制, 這瓶Gran Reserva須在桶內陳釀三年。呈磚紅色, 邊緣呈褐色, 有著典型西班牙酒的焦糖香味, 也有點菌類香味, 口感較輕, 稍甜, finish短, 一般。

Official Information:
Since its foundation in 1885 by Mr. Felipe Lagunilla San Mart?n, Lagunilla has successfully specialized itself in the art of elaborating, breeding and commercializing wines. Its founder, from Cenicero, La Rioja, turned out to be one of the most important parties involved in the fight against phylloxera, enhancing the wine growing in this present region. As a result of it, he was given the title of "Comendador de numero de la Orden del Merito Agr?cola", graced by his majesty King Alfonso XIII in 1916.

Lagunilla has been one of the most prestigious family owned company from La Rioja until 1973, when Grupo Croft, property of UDV, multinational corporation Diageo beverages division took over the wine cellars, providing the company with both better and wider premises.

In 1995 Arco Bodegas Unidas acquired Lagunilla, thus, starting an ambitious plan of both modernization and globalization. In addition, the fact of counting with the five leading wineries of La Rioja, with more than 3000 hectares, allows us to directly supervise the whole wine making process and to enjoy of that unique flexibility from La Rioja.


星期五, 7月 22, 2005

2004 Yellow Tail Chardonnay Australia

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惠康超巿 HK$89

金黃色, 奶粉味濃,
有點像Cream Soda汽水,
酸度很低, 入口甜。

Official Information:
The Casella family has been making wine since 1820 first in Italy and since 1965 in Australia. Filippo and Maria Casella emigrated to Australia from Italy in the 1950? bringing with them their hopes and dreams and the know-how acquired through three generations of grape-growing and winemaking in Italy. Recognizing the potential of the region, Filippo purchased a farm in the town of Yenda, New South Wales, in 1965. After selling the grapes from his farm to local wineries, he decided in 1969 that it was time for a new generation to put its winemaking skills to use, and the winery was born.

Casella Wines shot to the forefront of the export arena in mid 2000 with the hugely successful brand [yellow tail]. Based in the Riverina and operating as a winery since 1969, Casella Wines initially concentrated predominantly on the export market, and is now a key player in Europe, Asia, the UK, USA and Canada.


1999 Columbia Crest Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Grand Estates Columbia Valley

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Watsons Wine Cellar HK$118

紫紅色, 滲出濃烈巧克力及咖啡等來自木桶的氣香,
還有點藍莓氣息。口感雖濃, 但還是很木, 有點苦,
我還是喜歡Columbia Crest的基本級Cab ~ Two Vines,

Official Information:
At Columbia Crest we pride ourselves on delivering handcrafted, superior-quality small-lot wines, as well as affordable everyday Washington wines. Our first release in 1984 started a tradition that has established us as one of America’s most popular and fast-growing wineries.

Columbia Crest’s Grand Estates wines are crafted from a collection of remarkable Columbia Valley vineyard sites, which are selected specifically for their ability to produce wines with intense fruit character and complexity not found in most “everyday” wines. Columbia Crest Grand Estates are distinguished by their ripe varietal intensity. Lush and vibrant, the wines offer a pleasing balance of sugar, pH and tannin—a synergy that is grown in the vineyards and preserved in the cellar.



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最近加入了Watsons Wine Cellar的Wine Club
就可獲贈HK$100 現金券,
所以這兩個月來常到Watsons找些約HK$100的Daily Wine。

「No returns on wine or champagne over $750 or more than 10 yrs old」



星期四, 7月 21, 2005

2003 Georges Duboeuf Moulin-A-Vent Flower Label

Watsons Wine Cellar HK$145

cherry香氣很濃, 有點焦糖香,
口感很甜, 酸度非常低, 像喝果汁。

About Georges Duboeuf:
Georges Duboeuf has been called the King of Beaujolais. This is a title of appreciation as much as it is for achievement. He is, in fact, the region's largest producer, controlling more than 10 percent of the total production. But he is also the relentless promoter of Beaujolais. It would not be inaccurate to state that he has almost single handedly made Beaujolais Nouveau a worldwide phenomenon. The Duboeuf family has lived in the Maconnais since the the 15th century and has been involved in the wine business for over 300 years. Although Georges Duboeuf originally went to Paris to study physical education, he returned home in 1953 and began selling wine to restaurants and became a contract bottler. In 1957 he formed a group of 45 growers called the Beaujolais Casket. The venture was not to be. Three years later he branched out on his own and in 1964 formed his own negociant and bottling firm based in Romaneche-Thorins. Today, his son Franck works with him and is intimately involved in the business.

His firm offers the most wines of any in Beaujolais, at the best prices, and the most consistent style. He works with 20 cooperatives and over 400 growers. Of an annual production of 20 million bottles, over 4 million of those bottles are Beaujolais Nouveau. In fact, the Duboeuf label appears on more than 15 percent of the bottles of Beaujolais sold anywhere.


2004 Springfield Estate Life from Stone Sauvignon Blanc Robertson South Africa

Watsons Wine Cellar HK$105

淺青黃色, 熱情果及石榴香,
帶有礦物味道, 口感稍輕, 但夠酸度, 清爽。

Official Information:
Set in the heart of the mountain-ringed Robertson Valley in South Africa's Western Cape Province, Springfield Estate is a vibrant, family-run wine farm. It is owned by the Bruwer family, fourth-generation wine farmers and ninth-generation descendants of the Brueres, French Huguenots who came to South Africa from the Loire in 1688 with bundles of vines under their arms.

The present owners of Springfield, brother-and-sister team Abrie and Jeanette Bruwer, are just as dynamic and enthusiastic as their ancestors and are prepared to take risks to do what they love best – making wine. Assisted by a team of dedicated workers, many of whom have been with the Bruwers for decades, winemaker and viticulturist Abrie keeps a watchful eye on the vineyards and the wines. Jeanette co-ordinates the marketing of the estate wines, and spends a great deal of time travelling to promote Springfield both locally and abroad. Back on the estate she is involved hands-on in everything from preparing the soil for new plantings, to driving the fork-lift truck, if necessary. Together Abrie and Jeanette bring a personal touch to the estate, while at the same time enjoying complete control over how things are done.

The real magic of Springfield lies in the bottles of hand-crafted wine it produces, true gems of tradition, which offer both quality and individuality in keeping with the estate's motto: from the grape to the bottle with care and passion.


NV Domaine Lucien Albrecht Cremant D'Alsace

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Watsons Wine Cellar HK$128

100% Pinot-Blanc
氣泡算當幼細, 但酸度稍高, ok啦。

Official Information:
The history of the ALBRECHT family as winegrower can be traced back to 1425 with Romanu Albrecht, who was established in the town of Thann. During the fifteenth and sixteenth century, in Thann several generations of Albrecht were elected as vinegrower Bangard. in the twentieth century, the Domaine experienced a major deelopment under the guidance of Lucien Albrecht, the father of Jean, to become one of the most important in Alsace with holdings in 9 villages surounding Orschwihr. He also replanted a large part of the vineyard. Lucien Albrecht, extended the winery with new cellars and expanded the sales of his wines in bottles. Lucien Albrecht in 1972 was also a pioner of Cremand d'Alsace. Today the Cremant is one of our speciality and a major part of our business. The domaine Lucien Albrecht is the most important owner of the Grand Cru Classe Pfingstberg situated in Orschwihr. Jean Albrecht is now the ninth generation settled in Orschwihr, leading the Domaine. Always trying to improve the quality, Jean devotes his time between the vineyards and the cellars. He also like to promote and share his love of his wines, which are quoted and acclaimed in major wine publications. Jean Albrecht has crafted Cuvees, and he started to produce in 1983, the famed late harvest wines : vendanges tardives and selection de grains nobles. He has also lowered the yield per acre, planted new vineyards from a selection of old vinestocks, expanded the sales of its wines both in France and abroad.

Lucien Albrecht Cremant D'Alsace is made by the methode traditionnelle from Pinot Blanc grapes. They come from Orschwihr on a clay limestone subsoil. We only use the first juices of the pressing. Quite unique, our Cremant goes through malolactic. Cremants d'Alsace Lucien ALBRECHT won 4 GOLD MEDALS at the Concours National des Cremants de France, which was held on May 27th 2004.


星期二, 7月 19, 2005

What we need is........

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星期一, 7月 18, 2005

2003 Domaine du Tariquet Ugni Blanc-Colombard VdP Cotes de Gascogne

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Watsons Wine Cellar HK$68
70% Ugni Blanc, 30% Colombard


Official Information:
It is apposite to imagine an old stone vessel anchored since the 17th century on a swell of fresh green vines where only vineyards are tended. In actual fact, in this small region called Gascony, South West of France, situated on the edge of the Landes where Armagnacs and good living are distilled together, we also foster diversity. This difference which drives these men and women in a common venture of toil, passion and respect are the true trade marks of wine-growers.Since 1912, Le Tariquet has been the craddle of an entire family. First of all the home of Helene and Pierre Grassa impassioned with beautiful Armagnacs and then the home of their children Maite and Yves fervent wine makers. Together they have developed the Estate to create Eaux de Vie, Bas-Armagnacs and a range of top quality wines. Le Tariquet nourishes itself on its fertile soils giving the finest aromas to its fruits and declaring the victory of Gascony where wines and Bas-Armagnacs have been elevated to some of the best in their class.


2001 Brokenwood Harlequin Dry Red South Australia

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Watsons Wine Cellar HK$85

74% Shiraz, 7% Viognier, 7% Merlot,
6% Cabernet Franc and 6% Cabernet Sauvignon

偏甜,酸度低,作為 daily wine,稱職啦。


星期日, 7月 17, 2005

1994 Chateau Haut Maillet Pomerol

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Watsons Wine Cellar HK$299

菰菌類植物香, 輕微莓香,
口感很輕, 酸度低, 很平淡,
有 dry out 感覺

Official Information:
CHATEAU HAUT-Maillet is a 5 hectares (12 acres) vineyard created more than a century ago. It stands to the North-East of Catusseau on old sand and gravel.Surrounded by the greatest growths of POMEROL, due to its grape varieties (60 % Merlot and 40 % Cabernet Franc), its 20 days in vat and its aging over 20 months in oak barrels, CHATEAU HAUT-MAILLET gives a wine which has a carmine color with shades of tiles-red, it is elegant and fine on the nose with slight hints of spices and dried fruits. Its initial taste, of which the progression in the mouth is marked by the round tannins, gives it a velvety consistency.Its good balance enables CHATEAU HAUT-MAILLET to be drunk fairly young while retaining its aging potential.


2001 Domaine Louis Max Mercurey Les Caudroyes

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Watson's Wine Cellar HK$148

金黃色, nose吸引, 有puligny montrachet影子
烤桶香, 奶油香很強,完全沒有mercurey 的礦物香,
口感空洞, 果味欠奉. 酸度很低.


星期五, 7月 15, 2005

2001 Domaines Perrin Grand Prebois VdP de la Pincipaute d'Orange Rhone

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15/07/2005 @ Home

Grenache 70%, Syrah 15%, Mourvedre 15%
初時酒精味很強, 15分鐘後顯現莓子香味,
主要是黑色果醬香, 也有典型滷豬腳味,
口感偏甜, finish顯現酸度.

Official Information:
Le Grand Prebois located on Jonquieres at Orange at 2 kilometers away from Beaucastel. The vineyard is approximately 40 hectaress large, of which 30 hectares in Cotes du Rhone and 10 hectares of VDP wine, mainly produce red wine made from Grenache.


星期四, 7月 14, 2005

2004 D'Arenberg Wines The Olive Grove Chardonnay McLaren Vale

Watson’s Wine Cellar HK$108
13/07/2005 @ Kcal Restaurant

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淺黃色,Nose有蜜糖、青檸、熱情果及輕微榛子香,有些像 Pinot Gris, 口感幾Creamy,但Finish又的石榴味和酸度又像 Sauvignon Blanc。奇怪!奇就奇在雖然不像 Chardonnay, 但清新好喝。

Official Information:
McLaren Vale’s sandy, ironstone littered soil sustains native scrub, plots of almonds, pine forests and also olive groves, which were planted alongside vineyards by the first settlers in the district. Over the years various varieties of olive trees have sprung up everywhere, on the sides of roads and also in and around our Chardonnay vineyard.

The Olive Grove Chardonnay goes through the gentle d’Arenberg process of being crushed by our rubber–toothed Demoisy crusher, before fermentation in various ways. Some of the Chardonnay will be whole bunch pressed straight off skins before going into barrel to finish fermentation there. Traditionally the Olive Grove is a blend of 1/3 each of Chardonnay grapes fermented and matured in stainless steel, 1/3 starts fermentation in stainless steel and then goes into French and American oak to continue fermentation for about 4 weeks, and the final component completes fermentation and maturation for about 5 months in new and older French and American oak.

The Olive Grove Chardonnay has won a pretty smart reputation for itself both nationally and internationally, most notably winning multiple gold medals at the Chardonnay du Monde in Burgundy France.


星期二, 7月 12, 2005


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星期一, 7月 11, 2005

08/07/2005 Fizz @ Cellarmaster

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NV Beresford Beacon Hill Sparkling Brut
單一的草莓果醬香氣, 口感很濃很甜, 像喝demi-sec。

1998 Bon Courage Cap Classique J. Bruere
氣泡幼細, 帶著焦糖, 蜜梨的香氣, 酸度足, 但finish微苦。

Salena Estate Tywne's Turn Brut Cuvee香氣極像啤酒, 口感甜, 氣泡大。

NV Veuve A. Devaux Cuvee Grande Reserve Brut
氣泡時顯時散, 酵母、柑桔及草莓果醬的香氣, 口感ok。

Casa Rivas Estate Rose
寶紅色, 如糖漿+人造色素+酒精,十足一瓶咳藥水, 還有點苦, 救命。

星期日, 7月 10, 2005

NV Quartz Reef CHAUVET Methode Traditionelle NZ

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Watson's Wine Cellar HK$149

淡黃色, 氣泡幼細而強勁,
帶著洋桃, 水梨的香氣, yeast香味明,
口感濃郁, 酸度高, 整體表現不俗.

Official Information:
Named after the Champagne House Marc Chauvet (Rilly La Montagne) whose daughter, Clotilde, is Rudi's business partner and sparkling wine mentor.

A selected blend of pinot noir and chardonnay, sourced from Bendigo and Gibbston in Central Otago. Under the watchful eye of Clotilde Chauvet, we are aiming for a distinctive Central Otago sparkling wine. Made in the traditional way, to achieve elegance and finesse.

· Selected blend 42% pinot noir and 58% chardonnay from Central Otago
· 28% malolactic component
· Bottle fermented and aged 26 months on lees
· Riddled and disgorged by hand


星期五, 7月 08, 2005

God Bless England !

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BBC Photos

2001 Agricole Vallone Vigna Flaminio Brindisi Rosso

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Watson's Wine Cellar HK$99
Grapes: Negroamaro (70%), Montepulciano (20%), Malvasia Nera (10%)
顏色很淡, 微微的櫻桃和梅子香, 入口相當輕柔, 淡如水, 酸度稍高, 幾乎沒有Finish。

星期四, 7月 07, 2005

2003 Evans & Tate Salisbury Shiraz Cabernet

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百佳特價 HK$59

也有點辛香,簡單易喝, 酸度明顯,
把他當作白酒吧, 放在冰櫃,
在悶熱的晚上喝一口, 身心舒暢!

Hyundai TBH(DW)-8020 DVD 錄影機

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華仁行 HK$1280 (行貨)
操作順利, 畫質不俗,
今後可以錄下24, Lost, ER, Desperate housewives..


Hong Kong

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