星期四, 12月 01, 2005

Concord Wines: Christmas Tasting 2005

聖誕試酒會2005 .3小時環遊新舊世界

大家引頸以待的協和聖誕試酒會 2005 已鐵定於12月14日(星期三)晚上六時半假怡東酒店舉行。今年我們精選三十多款各國美酒讓大家在佳節前夕聚聚首、品品酒。
入場門券每位HK$100,每張入場券更可於當日當現金$50使用(以訂購滿HK$200計算),名額有限,先到先得!! 敬請火速致電2111 3009或回覆此電郵訂位!!

Christmas Tasting 2005.Around the World in "3 hours"

Date: 14 Dec 2005 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Venue: Gloucester Room I, 3/F, The Excelsior Hotel, Causeway Bay, HK
Fee: HK$100* per person
* $50 redeemable against purchase - for $200 purchase per order.

R.S.V.P. (1st come-1st served)

ACT NOW !! Book your ticket, simply call (852) 2111 3009 or email to may_yeung@concordwines.com.hk

Best regards,

May Yeung
Assistant Customer Relationship Executive
Concord Wines
Tel: 852 2111 3009
Fax: 852 2111 0253
Office: 4/F, B2B Centre, 36 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong



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